Internet Plans
Define price for time usage, data transferred, download and upload rate
Internet Plans
Define price for time usage, data transferred, download and upload rate

Tiered Internet access allows implementation of different usage rights.
During signup, guest can choose an Internet plan which can be free or paid.
Free complimentary access comes with lower download and upload speeds.
Internet plan determines which download and upload speed the guest will have during the session, total bandwidth data available for transfer, optional session duration, as well as optional expiration date.
WiFi Features
- If the guest needs high speed access, desired plan should be selected and optionally paid with a credit card.
User accounts can be created manually with desired Internet Plan and such ticket issued to the guest.
- With PMS integration, hotel may grant premium access to selected users, or add plan cost to the guest room.

WiFi Tickets App
WiFi Tickets App helps you print tickets for your guests, visitors, and users to connect to your WiFi network.
Easily create multiple tickets in one go or reprint the last ticket if you are providing multi-device or family access.
Hotels and airports may easily scan passport and create a ticket.
WiFi Tickets App is available for selected Android printers and Android phones.