WiFi Marketing
Engage visitors with video or image ads targeted by location, age and gender
WiFi Marketing

WiFi Marketing
Antamedia WiFi marketing solution helps you run marketing campaigns for advertisers that can target visitors by location, age and gender, engaging them to watch the ad before getting WiFi access.
Ads are rotated for each new visitor, allowing advertisers to reach an audience with single or multiple ads, configured in playlists. Each ad may play in defined time of day, duration and number of impressions.
Every impression and conversion is registered, providing advertiser management executive reports of their spending, as well as ad performance. Advertisers may login to track the effectiveness of their campaigns.

Location based video ads counts for the best engagement motivators with high conversion rate.
Promote brands and monetize by offering ads for access.
Nearly 70% users would watch ads in exchange for free Wi-Fi.

Video Ads
A minimum watching duration can be specified, after which the guest may skip video and proceed to the landing page which contains special offer, registration or just a welcome note.
Those who are not interested can simply continue and enjoy complimentary WiFi.
You’ll get detailed stats and analytics who and when watched video, total impressions and clicks and compile reports for your advertisers.
Image Ads
Easily create image ads and announcements that will be displayed on the Splash page.
Put a latest promotion, display coupon to be redeemed at retail store, offer discounts and invite guests to complete survey or just get more info.

Email Campaigns
Email campaigns helps you send informational and marketing emails to your customers.
Once you design your email template (or customize default template), you can select target recipients, schedule Email campaign delivery time or send as soon as it’s ready.
Those campaigns can be sent when necessary, if you want to inform your guests about the novelties, or automatically according to a previously defined schedule which includes initial connection, inactivity or on a guest’s day of birth.
SMS Campaigns
The SMS campaigns and notifications can now be sent to users who have given permission to contact and left a phone number when logging in.
A guest must give consent to receive SMS for informational and advertising purposes.
For this feature, Contact permission should be enabled on the Splash page and users need to accept contact permission on their devices.

WhatsApp Campaigns and Automation
Utilize WhatsApp campaigns for direct customer engagement through promotional or automated messages, all without WhatsApp’s usual fees or content limits.
With a single external service subscription, you can send unlimited texts or images, such as: a promotional image when a customer leaves, coupon code upon sign-up, or visit invitation after 30 days.